Large footsteps flood the halls. A great clamouring and confusion as those unfamiliar walk the extensive halls into the plentiful rooms, taking the places of their younger counterparts for but a night. Wide eyed, yet watchful of those who oversee their children day in and day out. Parents walking their children’s daily routine, to but understand a little of them and their teachers.
“The teachers have an important part in our kids education and I came to learn how to support them. Nights like this help me do that,” said Gerry Weil, a parent attending Open House.
Open house is a chance for parents to come meet their children’s teachers by following their student’s schedule. Parents are able to connect names to faces and better understand their student’s high school experience.
“I tell the teachers to give a general overview of the classes, to show how and why they grade how they do. To be personable, to really let their personalities come out,” said Principal Mark Grisdale.
Teachers give what can best be described as a parent oriented syllabus day. They introduce themselves, some will shake hands, introduce their classes, and occasionally give their own personal philosophy on teaching.
“Open House provides an opportunity to face to face explain the philosophy of why and how you teach their kids. It may be the one and only opportunity to meet their parents,” said Jason Gigliotti, AP US History teacher.
Teachers provide a showcase of their classes to parents during Open House. They present themselves in the manner they do to their classes, offering such a display via their speeches as well as their physical mannerisms. Gigliotti exuded confidence and rationality throughout his Open House presentation. Stephanie Chronister, Forensic Science teacher, was energetic and joyous during her evening. James Stone, AP Government teacher, was humorous and sincere during his appearance.
“I love meeting y’alls parents. I get to see exactly where my students come from. How they act, the dynamic of the family, which tells me the dynamic of my classroom, and the dynamic of everything in general,” said Chronister.
By teachers and parents meeting, they are able to come to an understanding and help one another. Teachers show parents what they expected and so, parents are able to further help their children. Teachers are able to understand a student’s background a little better and are able to move on from there.