Lights, Camera, Fashion

Sydney Jackson, Editor in Chief The Nestline

Interested in the fashion realm and industry? Well, grab some fabric and a needle and thread because the fashion club is resuming this new school year with new ideas, new plans, and of course fashion.

Founded in 2018, the Fashion Club is currently co-managed by co-presidents senior Brianna Nguyen and junior Jackson Rueter . Their main mission for the club is to assist members in the exploration of fashion and the range of perspectives in the fashion sphere, including designing, modeling, and cosmetology. All while simultaneously keeping the club to be as a safe space for people of all backgrounds to come together for a common love of fashion.

“I want the Fashion Club to serve as an environment that is welcoming to a variety of students looking to showcase their identity, culture and personal interests,” said Nguyen.

Last year, the club was jam packed with events, their most popular being their charity fashion show. Taking place in the Performing Arts Center stage, members and non members, in groups or solo, could “strut” down the “runway” to display their culture’s traditional wear. It presented a variety of cultures, including those that do not get as much exposure. 50 percent of the proceeds earned from the show were donated to Clothes by Faith, a charity organization for children in need of clothes. Due to the radiant reviews the event received, the team plans to bring it back again this year.

“The clothing showcases cultural elements in a modern setting, which can inform individuals that connecting to one’s own cultural or even non-cultural roots, whether it be through fashion or other means, enables some sense of appreciation. It is a reflection of art that is carefully displayed in any part of the world,” said Nguyen.

This year, the co-president’s plan to bring some new hands-on ideas to meetings to allow for the members to gain as much experience as possible, design making being their main focus. Attempting to allow the members to gain as much experience as possible, the process of design making will be authentic as possible. Beginning with design sketches and ending with an actual clothing piece that can be modeled in. Club leaders want to deeply encourage members’ voices to be shone through the clothes they sew.

“The Fashion Club hopes to introduce more interactive activities, like making designs, that require collaboration and group work but also the creative mind of the individual. Students will also potentially learn more about the fashion industry and be introduced to the basic skills that those in the industry learn from their very first experiences,” said Nguyen. “All meetings give an opportunity for students to harness their artistry and creativity.”

For students interested in joining the Fashion Club, a Google form will become available as soon as initial meetings start, including club fees. Sew away!