Things to do thanksgiving week


Raegan Ervin, Co-Editor in Chief

Thanksgiving is a special holiday because of the time it provides for people to spend with their friends and family. However, with kids out of school and parents taking off work, there can be little to do in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. Everyone should be enjoying all the time that they have, so why wait until the end of the week to experience this fun holiday? Here are some activities that friends and family can participate in on Thanksgiving break:


Thanksgiving Day Parade- Held at Minute Maid Park in Downtown Houston, this annual parade hosts all kinds of fun events to celebrate the day. Floats, high flying balloons, marching bands, artistic entries, and live entertainment are just a few of the many activities taking place in Houston on Thursday, Nov. 25. It will start at 9 a.m., admission is free for all who want to participate.


Houston Turkey Trot- Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without the annual 5k’s that occur the week of this food- centered holiday. If someone is looking for a way to burn off the upcoming thanksgiving meal calories, running a 5k is the perfect way to prepare. BakerRipley’s Houston Turkey Trot invites everyone to participate in this fun run throughout the streets of the city on Thursday, Nov. 25. The crowds of people and the holiday spirit in the air will make this run one to remember.


Operation Turkey Houston- This volunteer organization helps feed 8,000 people on Thanksgiving day in hopes to give them a warm meal and fellowship. The Turkey Tailgate takes place on Wednesday, Nov. 24 at the St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, and volunteers help smoke and grill the birds throughout the day to give to people in need. If someone is in the giving spirit during the holidays, then this volunteer opportunity is sure to put them in a good mood while doing selfless deeds.


Van Gogh Houston- This art exhibit is widely known across the country for its’ beautiful display and live portraits of Van Gogh’s creations. People that come to this exhibit are surrounded by lights, color, and movement that are all included in this immersive experience. The show opened up in Houston in early October, but will still be there for Thanksgiving week. This exhibit can be found at 1314 Brittmoore Rd near the Beltway and I-10.


Cirque du Soleil-  After having closed down during the pandemic, Cirque du Soleil is back in Houston, and they are ready to impress. This Allegria production is a mixture of intriguing theatrical performances and amazing circus-like tricks and talents. With its first show having taken place in 1984, this production has attracted more than 200 million viewers from all over the world. This performance takes place at the Sam Houston Racetrack, and would be a great way to impress relatives and show them a good time during Thanksgiving break.


Seismique- This is an interactive art experience that will be sure to leave a lasting impression. Seismique provides visitors with a unique presentation of 3-D art, having people walk through rooms that are skillfully crafted with all kinds of shapes, designs, and brightly colored lights. This exhibit is far more entertaining for those that do not enjoy regular art galleries, and is a fun way to spend the day with loved ones. This exhibit can be found at the Village at West Oaks at Hwy. 6 and Westheimer.


These exciting activities are all great ways to spend the holidays. Besides being surrounded by the love from family and friends, people are given the opportunity to get out of their house and enjoy all that the city of Houston has to offer. Thanksgiving can be more than just dining in with relatives, it can also be the perfect time to get out of the house and create new memories through all these amazing experiences.