Are you bullying your body when you try a new diet?


Yazmin Luna, Staff Writer

Diets are often mistaken for alternatives to fit into the right dress, or have that summer body people consider ideal. These people are often the victims of the media, becoming easy targets by announcing the next famous diets, or the next trendy exercise of the month.


The reality of it all revolves around a person’s health. When a person sees a new diet being announced inside a health magazine, they may choose to begin this new diet. The problem is that when the diet has begun, their bodies start crying out for what it is used to. This is all because the body demands certain common nutrients to function properly and with the right amount of everything, some diets may work more than others.


Labels in boxes are very important because it lets you know what you are consuming and what you are introducing your body to.  


Carbohydrates help provide energy and vitamins for brain and muscles to stay active during the day. Many people think carbs are bad for the body, but in reality they help one not feel lazy throughout the day. How much is too much? According to The Dietary Guidelines of Americans, carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of daily calories. In a 2,000 calorie diet, the recommended amount is between 900 to 1,300 calories from carbohydrates, which translates to 225 to 325 grams.


Fats are exactly what they sound like. They are needed for the body to stay healthy and provide fatty acids which help the body absorb vitamins. It helps with different tasks in the body, but being careful will never be frowned upon. How much is too much? Fats will not always help the body, but 20 to 30 percent per day helps to maintain a healthy balance.


Protein is needed for the muscles to grow. Most of the time athletes need it constantly to improve their athletic abilities. Because of so many supplements and muscle toners, the amount of protein a person needs varies. How much is too much? Most of the time, the amount of protein the body needs depends on the weight of the individual. The average person needs about 0.4 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.


Sodium helps maintain blood pressure. It attracts and holds water, and helps maintain the liquid portion of your body. Salt can be found in many foods and snacks, but salt is problematic if consumed in excessive amounts. How much is too much? According to The Dietary Guidelines of Americans in 2010, on average everyone age 2 and up should consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day.