Sports, extracurricular activities, and school work pile on the average high school student. With all the due stress and time commitment, high schoolers can often times struggle with ways to earn money without being able to commit to a part time job. But only few high schoolers know that there are ways outside of part time jobs to earn small sources of money.
Odd jobs are the best way for students to earn sporadic income. Offering up yard work, tutoring sessions for one’s strongest subject or even walking dogs can offer job opportunities. Though this may not be the most steady way to earn money, it does provide flexibility and opportunity for time restrained students. Local magazines or newspapers offer ad spaces for teens to offer small jobs to the community. The Next Door app connects members of communities with each other, offering small jobs like lawn mowing or pet sitting to close by neighbors in need.
Babysitting is one of the most known simple jobs with a wide range of options. Finding one family to babysit creates opportunities to expand a personal network and babysit for other families. Sittercity is a website that connects potential babysitters to families in the area looking for someone qualified to watch. Parents find first aid training reassuring, which is an easily accessible skill. Going to the American Red Cross website, one can see the availability of first aid classes near them.
The amount of money sitting around in old boxes and old toys can easily be turned to cash. Whether it is hosting a garage sale or selling old items online, getting rid of used clothing or toys can bring in a decent amount of money for a few nights out with friends.
A unique approach that some students are now trying is to make their hobbies into a more prominent source of money for themselves. Taking pictures and creating an online portfolio can slowly become a small source of money over time, while also developing the skills to become more talented in that field.
Learning how to make money as a teen is an important skill to learn. Finding one’s own way to find income teaches valuable lessons about time management and how to raise money successfully.